You are here: Sales > Creating Sales Orders > Specifics of a Sales Order > Manual Serial Numbers

Manual Serial Numbers

Manual serial numbers can be typed or scanned in against physical inventory items. The data is stored in the table SO_LineSerials. This dialog box can also be used in a picking mode that when saved, updates the Picked tick box on the line when the full quantity is picked. This data can be entered in at any time regardless of the status of the sales order - i.e. it can be entered in against a Closed sales order

This feature is enabled via a Plugin that controls this feature and must be enabled. Contact your Jiwa Financials Administrator or Jiwa Solution Provider is this feature is not available in the Utilities tab.



Load relevant sales order


Utilities > Manual Serial Numbers


Select the relevant part number

4. Type in the number of Items e.g. 1 and a serial number if used
5. Enter or scan in the serial number and press Go
6. Repeat for other part numbers as required
7. If using to update the Picked box, tick Use Picking, select the line, type in quantity and press Go
8. Repeat as required
9. Save changes

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